Effects of Winstrol

In many ways, it can be quite difficult to state the effects of Winstrol in-terms of absolution. As we are all unique individuals the hormone will affect us with varying levels of response; further, our own diet and training protocols can play massive roles. While this is true, we can say with extreme confidence the effects of Winstrol are nothing short of phenomenal! For the dieting athlete, this can be the answer one is looking for in-order to produce a lean, hard physique. For the performance athlete, in many cases, this is the answer he is looking for when it comes to increasing overall strength. Although this is a poor bulking steroid, in some ways this is a steroid of unique versatility as the effects of Winstrol can be beneficial to a few groups of people for a few specific reasons.

The Direct Effects of Winstrol:

The effects of Winstrol can in short be summed up with three little words; raw anabolic power. A Dihydrotestosterone derived anabolic steroid, Winny as it is often called carries a massive anabolic score of 320; compare this to testosterone's score of 100, a highly anabolic steroid and you can already begin to see how beneficial Winny can be. Within its anabolic nature, the effects of Winstrol largely surround its ability to enhance nitrogen retention in the muscles to degrees most other anabolic steroids only dream about. Further, one of many anabolic steroids that enhance protein synthesis, Winny also has the ability to significantly lower SHBG. Through its relationship with SHBG, when this is decreased it frees up more free testosterone, thereby providing more anabolic action within the body. If that's not enough it only gets better, as the effects of Winstrol on the metabolism are quite significant, and have been shown to have a positive and direct effect on lipolysis.

Translating the Effects of Winstrol:


Through its direct mode of action, the effects of Winstrol are perfect for a cutting cycle. If you desire a ripped, hard physique Winny can help get you there in phenomenal fashion; this is precisely why so many competitive bodybuilders supplement with the hormone. Without question, this is one of the best hardeners on the market, but there is something tremendously important you need to understand. If you're carrying a lot of body-fat, this visual enhancement will not come through; it can't, not when there's a layer of fat in the way. At any rate, the good news is as eluded to early on the effects of Winstrol play a positive role on the metabolism and thereby enable you to increase your fat-burning abilities. No, Winny is not a fat-burner, but a more powerful metabolism will have the positive effect on lipolysis you're looking for.

Then we have the performance athlete; the football player, the baseball player, the track and field athlete; swimmers, cyclist, power lifters and fighters you name it; this is a steroid for all. By its nature, the effects of Winstrol will tremendously increase strength; in-fact, this is the steroids primary attribute. Further, as this is an anabolic steroid that does not aromatize there will not be any unwelcomed or burdensome water retention. If that's not enough, Winstrol has a strong effect on recovery and rejuvenation; the faster you heal the greater you'll perform. Not only is this trait welcomed by performance athletes, but by all who supplement as recovery is one of the ultimate keys to success.

The Negative Effects of Winstrol:

Like all anabolic steroids, Winstrol is not without problems; of course, it's important to keep in mind this holds true with anything we put into our body, steroidal and non-steroidal alike. While this is true, we won't go into a discussion regarding the nature of probability and the irresponsibility of stating possible implies guaranteed, instead let's simply go over the possible negative effects of Winstrol. Of all the negative effects of Winstrol, the two prominent revolve around the liver and cholesterol. Winny, a steroid that commonly comes in an oral tablet and water base injectable solution belongs to the C17-aa family. As a C17-aa anabolic steroid, it is quite toxic to the liver, but such toxicity is necessary. The C17-aa classification attached to the hormone refers to a structural change of the hormone, without such a change the body would not be able to use it as the liver would destroy it. Through this change it will survive the first pass through the liver, thereby providing you with the anabolic affects you desire.

Then we have cholesterol, and this is something that is often affected in a negative sense by steroids that heavily aromatize; Winstrol does not aromatize. At any rate, it has been shown to be extremely harsh on LDL cholesterol levels and can increase them substantially; in some cases, it has been shown to even lower HDL levels. For this reason, it is very important you possess healthy cholesterol readings before supplementing, and that you live a healthy lifestyle that promotes a healthy reading during supplementation. As for the liver, is important you avoid all stressful activity such as excess alcohol consumption; further, avoiding as many over the counter (OTC) meds as possible will protect you. Alcohol can be quite toxic to the liver, and many OTC meds are abundantly toxic, more so than Winstrol and should be avoided when possible to protect your health. If you possess a healthy liver prior to supplementation, follow these rules, supplement with responsible doses for reasonable amounts of time, although your enzyme readings will increase, they will return to normal shortly after use is discontinued.

The above are the primary negative effects of Winstrol, and largely the most concerning. Beyond cholesterol and liver toxicity, the effects of Winstrol can cause hair-loss in men predisposed to male-pattern baldness due to its DHT nature. Further, those who are sensitive to acne may find WInny causes breakouts, especially on the back or shoulders. Beyond these things, Winstrol will also suppress your natural testosterone production to a degree, but as long as you provide some form of exogenous testosterone your body will not feel the effects of low levels of the primary androgen.